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Thursday 4 August 2011

Gantt Chart

Gantt Chart of the project and progress of each task.

UML Activity Diagrams

1)  System login UML Activity Diagrams


2) Update Post UML Activity Diagrams


Web page linking diagram

 Simple Web page linking diagram  along with the 6 demo functional units of the user  main page

System requirements and Use case diagram

System requirements is divided into three main entities :

User requirements :

1-  secure login  into the website
2- edit profile
3- upload photos/videos/music
4- status update
5- search for other users
6- Add/Remove friends
7-Interact with friends

Admin requirements :

1-block users
2-edit system
3-website maintenance

Server requirements :
1- 24/7 online
2- Large Data Base
3- Fast access


USE Case diagram

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Work Breakdown Structure ver. 1

Download PDF file here.

The Work Breakdown Structure ( WBS ) Diagram for this project is posted above.

The main area of "work" are :

a) Technical Knowledge
- To learn the necesarry technical knowledge to implement the project . e.g. HTML,PHP,SQL etc.

b) Design
- This is the design phase and includes all designing activities such as user interface (GUI), database, add-on, photo feature and social feature ( e.g. private message, events etc. )

c) Umbrella Activities
- This refers to activities which is runned throughout the project itself. This includes Tracking & Control , Software Quality Assurance ,Formal Technical Review and Blogging.

d) Documentation
- to systematically record,keep and update all important files e.g. using document version control etc. This is mainly done by the Documentation Manager.

e) Programming- to convert design into a website via programming. Debugging is also included in this phase.This is mainly done by the Programming Leader.

Author : Jerry Chan Ting Hai

AoA Network Diagram ( Building Social Networking Website ) ver.1

Download PDF File here

We have used the Activity on Arrow Network Diagram to calculate the the total duration of our project which is 72 days.

The Critical Path has also been found.

The network diagram and activities involved is shown in the image above. Alternatively, you can download the pdf file as well.

Author : Jerry Chan Ting Hai