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Wednesday 3 August 2011

Work Breakdown Structure ver. 1

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The Work Breakdown Structure ( WBS ) Diagram for this project is posted above.

The main area of "work" are :

a) Technical Knowledge
- To learn the necesarry technical knowledge to implement the project . e.g. HTML,PHP,SQL etc.

b) Design
- This is the design phase and includes all designing activities such as user interface (GUI), database, add-on, photo feature and social feature ( e.g. private message, events etc. )

c) Umbrella Activities
- This refers to activities which is runned throughout the project itself. This includes Tracking & Control , Software Quality Assurance ,Formal Technical Review and Blogging.

d) Documentation
- to systematically record,keep and update all important files e.g. using document version control etc. This is mainly done by the Documentation Manager.

e) Programming- to convert design into a website via programming. Debugging is also included in this phase.This is mainly done by the Programming Leader.

Author : Jerry Chan Ting Hai

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